CGPA to Percentage Converter

Do you want to know about the process of calculating your percentage? Understanding this process can equally benefit students, teachers, and parents. The CGPA to percentage converter makes this process easy and time-saving for you. It helps in making your academic performance easier to understand than ever before. Just input your CGPA and press the compute button—this has been created for students’ convenience as a free, time-saving platform to benefit from.
To know more, keep reading!

CGPA to percentage

How to convert CGPA into percentage?

This will vary based on the grading system used by the institutions. But generally, the maximum CGPA is either 10 or 4. You can use our CGPA to percentage converter, or you can estimate your percentage from CGPA by using these simple and easy steps:

How to Convert

a) Steps to convert CGPA into percentage

First, you will need to determine the CGPA score. From the calculator to CGPA, you will need the following things:

  • Include your total marks in all subjects.
  • Include your total grades in all subjects.
  • Divide the total grade by the total number of subjects.
  • You will get your CGPA.

b) Formula to calculate percentage from CGPA

To convert CGPA into percentage, you multiply it by a specific factor based on the grading scale used by the institution. Similarly, you can convert your percentage to CGPA as well.

c) Conversion table

| 10 CGPA to Percentage | 95% |
| 9.9 CGPA to Percentage | 94.05% |
| 9.8 CGPA to Percentage | 93.1% |
| 9.7 CGPA to Percentage | 92.15% |
| 9.6 CGPA to Percentage | 91.2% |
| 9.5 CGPA to Percentage | 90.25% |
| 9.4 CGPA to Percentage | 89.3% |
| 9.3 CGPA to Percentage | 88.35% |
| 9.2 CGPA to Percentage | 87.4% |
| 9.1 CGPA to Percentage | 86.45% |
| 9.0 CGPA to Percentage | 85.5% |
| 8.9 CGPA to Percentage | 84.55% |
| 8.8 CGPA to Percentage | 83.6% |
| 8.7 CGPA to Percentage | 82.65% |
| 8.6 CGPA to Percentage | 81.7% |
| 8.5 CGPA to Percentage | 80.75% |
| 8.4 CGPA to Percentage | 79.8% |
| 8.3 CGPA to Percentage | 78.85% |
| 8.2 CGPA to Percentage | 77.9% |
| 8.1 CGPA to Percentage | 76.95% |
| 8.0 CGPA to Percentage | 76% |
| 7.9 CGPA to Percentage | 75.05% |
| 7.8 CGPA to Percentage | 74.1% |
| 7.7 CGPA to Percentage | 73.15% |
| 7.6 CGPA to Percentage | 72.2% |
| 7.5 CGPA to Percentage | 71.25% |
| 7.4 CGPA to Percentage | 70.3% |
| 7.3 CGPA to Percentage | 69.35% |
| 7.2 CGPA to Percentage | 68.4% |
| 7.1 CGPA to Percentage | 67.45% |
| 7.0 CGPA to Percentage | 66.5% |
|6.9 CGPA to Percentage | 65.55% |
| 6.8 CGPA to Percentage | 64.6% |
| 6.7 CGPA to Percentage | 63.65% |
| 6.6 CGPA to Percentage | 62.7% |
| 6.5 CGPA to Percentage | 61.75% |
| 6.4 CGPA to Percentage | 60.8% |
| 6.3 CGPA to Percentage | 59.85% |
| 6.2 CGPA to Percentage | 58.9% |
| 6.1 CGPA to Percentage | 57.95% |
| 6.0 CGPA to Percentage | 57% |
| 5.9 CGPA to Percentage | 56.05% |
| 5.8 CGPA to Percentage | 55.1% |
| 5.7 CGPA to Percentage | 54.15% |
| 5.6 CGPA to Percentage | 53.2% |
| 5.5 CGPA to Percentage | 52.25% |
| 5.4 CGPA to Percentage | 51.3% |
| 5.3 CGPA to Percentage | 50.35% |
| 5.2 CGPA to Percentage | 49.4% |
| 5.1 CGPA to Percentage | 48.45% |
| 5.0 CGPA to Percentage | 47.5% |
| 4.9 CGPA to Percentage | 46.55% |
| 4.8 CGPA to Percentage | 45.6% |
| 4.7 CGPA to Percentage | 44.65% |
| 4.6 CGPA to Percentage | 43.7% |
| 4.5 CGPA to Percentage | 42.75% |
| 4.4 CGPA to Percentage | 41.8% |
| 4.3 CGPA to Percentage | 40.85% |
| 4.2 CGPA to Percentage | 39.9% |
| 4.1 CGPA to Percentage | 38.95% |
| 4.0 CGPA to Percentage | 38% |
| 3.9 CGPA to Percentage | 37.05% |
| 3.8 CGPA to Percentage | 36.1% |
| 3.7 CGPA to Percentage | 35.15% |
| 3.6 CGPA to Percentage | 34.2% |
| 3.5 CGPA to Percentage | 33.25% |
| 3.4 CGPA to Percentage | 32.3% |
| 3.3 CGPA to Percentage | 31.35% |
| 3.2 CGPA to Percentage | 30.4% |
| 3.1 CGPA to Percentage | 29.45% |
| 3.0 CGPA to Percentage | 28.5% |

What is the full form of CGPA and how is it calculated?

The full form of CGPA is Cumulative Grade Point Average, which is a grading system used by schools, colleges, or universities to evaluate the academic performance of students over a period.
The calculation of CGPA is based on the total grades students receive in each course and the number of credit hours assigned to each course. It serves as a useful tool for both students and educational institutions to measure academic performance and track progress throughout the entire program.

Since grading standards and credit hours may differ between institutions and teachers, it is important to understand the system used by your particular school or program.

Example of CGPA Calculation

Let’s work together to try to make the process of calculating CGPA easier with the help of the following example:

SubjectsCredit HoursGradeGrade PointsSubject Grade Points
Subject A3B39
Subject B3A412
Subject C4C28
Subject D2A48

CGPA = Total grade points / Total credit hours.

CGPA = 37/12 = 3.08

What is the basic difference between CGPA and GPA?

CGPA and GPA are both outcomes of a student’s academic performance over a semester or entire course. However, the formulas for calculating them differ based on the following reasons:

  1. GPA (Grade Point Average) is calculated after a specific period, such as a semester or year, while CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) is calculated only after completing the entire course.
  2. In the Grade Point Average system, each course or subject is assigned a certain number of credit hours, and each course or subject is awarded a grade. The grade points for a course/subject are multiplied by the total number of credit hours assigned to that course. The resulting value is then included in calculating the GPA for that specific course/subject.
  3. In CGPA, to calculate the CGPA of the entire course, the total credit hours and grade points of all the courses are included.

How to convert a 10-point CGPA to a 4-point GPA: A step-by-step guide

Calculating a 10-point CGPA is very easy.
The conversion formula is as follows:
4-point GPA = (CGPA/10) X 4

Now, let’s break down each step:

  1. The first step is to divide your CGPA by 10 so that you can obtain your normalized GPA.
  2. Multiply your normalized GPA by 4: After calculating the normalized GPA, multiply it by 4.

For example, if your CGPA on a 10-point grading scale is 7.5:

  • Normalized GPA = 7.5 / 10 = 0.75
  • 4-point GPA = 0.75 x 4 = 3.0

Therefore, a CGPA of 7.5 on a 10-point grading scale is equivalent to a 3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale.

How to convert CGPA into GPA?

convert CGPA into GPA?

Converting CGPA to GPA is very easy! To do this, you can either multiply your CGPA by the conversion factor or refer to the tables provided by your educational institution. The conversion method may vary from one school to another. To obtain the most accurate results, I recommend contacting your academic advisor or referring to your school’s guidelines. They can provide you with the correct formula to convert CGPA to GPA.

CGPA Grading System – Conversion Table

Grade Point
94 – 100
85 – 93
80 – 84
75 – 79
70 – 74
67 – 69
64 – 66
60 – 63
57 – 59
54 – 56
50 – 53
Below 50

How to improve your CGPA?

I believe that With the right strategy, improving your CGPA is achievable.
If you also believe this, then you should not worry about a low CGPA, because you can improve it. Here are some proven suggestions and strategies to improve your CGPA:

  1. Do not skip regular classes

If you want to improve your CGPA, take regular classes, do not miss any class because attending regular classes helps you stay up to date with the course material. If you skip regular classes, let me tell you some of the drawbacks:

  • You might miss detailed explanations of a particular topic.
  • In this situation, you might also miss the opportunity to ask questions related to a specific topic.
  • Most importantly, you might miss the chance to earn extra credit hours.

So, if you are eager and don’t want to miss any of these, then never skip regular classes.

  1. Join a group of smart fellows

Study groups are always beneficial because they encourage you to work harder. Therefore, you should join groups of students with higher CGPAs than yours. If you don’t find a study group, you can create one yourself.

  1. Identify your strengths and weaknesses

Everyone knows their strengths and weaknesses well. For example, are you good at theory? Do you understand things well in class or do you need to read repeatedly to understand?

To achieve a good CGPA, plan based on your strengths and weaknesses.

  1. Make notes for everything learned during class

Notes are always helpful during exams because they help you quickly understand things. Taking proper notes during class is important. For proper note-taking, you need proper focus.

  1. Review weekly progress

Improving your CGPA requires progressing toward your goal, and this is very important. If you review things weekly, only then can you monitor them.


Most students study a day before the exam, which is not good at all. If you review things for one or two hours each week, your mind will start to familiarize itself with the latest material.

  1. Set daily/weekly/monthly goals

In life, to achieve anything, setting a goal is necessary, whether it’s your studies or career goal. Setting specific goals on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis is very important for achieving a good CGPA.

set goals

For example, if you are preparing for the toughest subject, you should divide the course into parts and try to cover some parts of the course weekly. This is a good strategy for covering the entire syllabus over a set period. But remember, your consistency is the key to success.

Keep in mind that this will not be easy until you keep yourself motivated, persistent, and patient. Continuously remind yourself of the benefits of a good CGPA and the long-term rewards.

Frequently Asked Questions

To calculate the percentage from CGPA, you can use the following formula:
Percentage = Multiply the CGPA by 9.5 to obtain the corresponding percentage.

The minimum CGPA can vary based on the following factors:

  • 1: Grading Scale
  • 2: Institution
  • 3: Particular Program
  • 4: Country

For example, in the US, the minimum CGPA for admission to most programs is often 2.0 on a 4.0 grading scale. However, some institutions may have higher minimum requirements. Additionally, a minimum CGPA does not guarantee admission to a specific course or institution, as other factors like subjects, test scores, recommendation letters, etc., are also considered.

Whether you want to improve your percentage or CGPA, you should be determined, hardworking, and patient. You can improve your CGPA by following all the steps I mentioned above.

To calculate CGPA from the percentage, you need to know the grading system of your college or university. After knowing this, you can use the following formula to calculate your CGPA from the percentage: CGPA = (Percentage / 100) * Total Grade Point.

You can calculate your GPA from your CGPA. However, you need to know the credit hours assigned to each subject/course. After knowing this, you can use the following formula to calculate your GPA: GPA = (Sum of (Grade Points * Credit Hours) / Sum of Credit Hours).

Yes, absolutely, Anna University has its own calculator for the use of the students studying there.

Yes, VTU has its own CGPA percentage calculator for students studying at VTU.

This is one of the CGPA calculators specifically designed for KTU students.

No, you cannot directly convert CGPA into numbers because CGPA is the average of the grades that students acquire over a period of time.

Yes, SGPA can also be converted into CGPA. First, you need to calculate the SGPA of each semester by including the grades and time for each semester. Once you have your CGPA and the conversion factor of your grading system, you can use a simple formula to calculate your percentage: CGPA = (SGPA * C1 + SGPA * C2 +…….+ SGPA_N * CN) / (C1 + C2 +…..+ CN)

In the above formula, SGPA1, SGPA2, and SGPA_N are for each semester, and similarly, C1, C2, and CN are the total credit hours obtained in each semester.

You can use the following formula to convert CGPA to a 4-point percentage: Percentage out of 4 = (CGPA / Maximum CGPA) * 4.

Yes, absolutely, you can easily convert your percentage to CGPA for your college application. You can use our percentage-to-CGPA calculator for submitting your results.

Yes, there are many online CGPA calculation tools available, and you can choose any reliable tool. We will soon be launching our marks-to-CGPA converter as well, which will allow you to calculate your CGPA from marks on our website.